Thursday 5 March 2015

Week 4, The self

Who are you?
There are 4 concept of self.
  • Self-concept
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-disclosure

Self-concept, it is how you feel and think about yourself.
it is the image of yourself.
it is who you are, and it represents you.
There are 4 area that affect self-concept.
  1. Social Comparison- Compare and adjust our image and thinking with the way society acts and thinks.
  2. Other's images of you- Compare ourselves to those around us.
  3. Self-interpretations and evaluation- standards that applied to your ethical and moral reasoning.
  4. Cultural Teachings- Your culture instills in you and variety of beliefs, values, and attitude about such things as success. 
Next, Self-Awareness, it is the ability to discover yourself to know who you are.
The Johari Window, it is about yourself and your characteristic.
  1. Open arena (Open self)- known to self and others. Most of the people around you know about you.
  2. Hidden self- known to self but unknown to others.
  3. Blind self-  unknown to you but known to others.
  4. Unknown self- unknown to you and unknown to others. Information about yourself that neither you nor other know.
Growing in self awareness
  1. Listen to others
  2. Increase your open self
  3. Seek information about yourself
  4. Dialogue with yourself
Furthermore, Self-Esteem, means that confidence or the level of trust or assurance to yourself.
It is good for you but too high of self-esteem might be bad for you because you will feel disappointed to yourself when you did not achieve you goals.
There is 5 ways to increase your self-esteem.
  1. Attack self-destructive belief
  2. Seek out Nourishing people
  3. Work on project that will result in success
  4. Remind yourself of your success
  5. Secure affirmation
Lastly, Self-Disclosure, telling things that people will not know about you, but do tell to much things about yourself to others. This may cause harm to yourself.
The advantages of self-disclosure
  1. Gain confidence
  2. Be more truthful about yourself
  3. Make or strengthen friendship and relationships
The disadvantage of self-disclosure
  1. Lost of friends and trust
  2. Additional pressure and burden
  3. Living with regret
This are the things we learn in the chapter 4 (The self)
Thank you. =)

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